Patient Rights and Responsibilities
Dear Patient
Dar Al hayat Medical Center staff is committed to providing excellent health care services. We believe that excellent patient care begins with establishing a partnership between the patient, his/her family, and staff at DHMC. We would like to introduce to you what to expect from the staff and also what may be expected of you as our respected patient. We hope that you read it and never hesitate to ask any questions for clarifications.
Patient Rights
- To receive care and treatment in an environment free from discrimination of age, gender, nationality, religion or medical condition.
- To expect the diagnosis to be accurate and receive effective assessment and management of pain by qualified medical staff.
- To accept or refuse medical care/treatment after consequences of refusal has been explained . You may be requested to sign the “Against Medical Advice Form”.
- Treatment plan, medication & respecting the patient’s need for privacy will not be given unless it is medically required.
- To be provided with all necessary information to allow you to consent for any proposed procedure or course of treatment in a language you can fully comprehend.
- To cancel any consent to a medical procedure before it starts.
- To be clearly informed of the diagnosis, treatment plan, possible significant complications or side effects, and the required follow-up plan.
- To be assured of privacy and confidentiality with regards to your medical and social information unless legally requested from authorized entity or by your consent.
- To be provided with health education about your disease to assure stability of your health condition after being discharged.
- To have the opportunity to discuss and comment on the care and services you are receiving.
- To protecting patients from verbal abuse by physicians, nurses, or any other staff
- To be provided with discharge summary, medical report or sick leave report if needed.
- To have communication with the Patient Relation representative or hospital administration in order to discuss any request or complaint with no effect on access to care or the quality if care provided.
Patient Responsibilities
- To provide complete, accurate personal data at the time of registration.
- Provide complete and correct information about your health problems to the health care providers.
- To observe and abide by the DHMC rules which are as follows:
- Smoking is totally prohibited in the Centre premises.
- Wandering between doctor’s rooms and ER is totally prohibited to ensure that the privacy of patients is not violated.
- Visitors’ and staff rights shall be observed, and should be given proper respect.
- Present yourself half an hour before time and inform the DHMC at least 24 hours if you are unable to attend your appointment.
- Follow the treatment plan that has been provided to you by health care providers.