Dar Al Hayat Medical Center laboratory department performs wide range of clinical tests to support diagnosis and treatment of the patients. DHMC laboratory is committed to provide laboratory results with the highest accuracy at an affordable price to maintain quality of services and patient safety. Laboratory services include, but not limited to:
- Biochemistry Tests (Liver function tests, Lipid profile, Kidney function tests, glucose, iron, phosphorus, magnesium, electrolytes, ..)
- Hormones (VITD, TSH, T3, T4, Ferritin, BHCG, prolactin, testosterone, PTH, progesterone, FSH, LH, Estradiol, Vitamin B12, pregnancy test, ..)
- Hematology tests (CBC, Blood group & Rh, HBA1c, G6PD, Hb electrophoresis,…)
- Microbiology tests (urine and stool routine microscopy, Cultures, ..)
- Pre-employment Checkup
- Housemaid Checkup
- General Health Checkup